Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Being There

Ever been told "You just had to be there"? If you're like me, when you're doing business, it's on the phone, via email, or Blackberry. And that's done with a backdrop of the constant influx of online subscriptions, corporate emails and announcements, internal emails, RSS feeds, and all the distractions of meetings, drop-ins and other interruptions. I maintain that sometimes you've just got to meet with your clients in-person.

Yesterday I met with a client I've worked with for years. I rarely see him, and every time we talk he or I are in the midst of numerous distractions. But during our in-person meeting, it was easier. We brainstormed, answered each other's sentences, and arranged a joint-venture that will benefit us both.

Even though both of us had to travel, it was worth the trouble for the success our meeting generated. So I maintain that sometimes you've got to try to meet in person.

Let me know what you think. Social networking is a tremendous step in the same direction. How can it become even more like an in-person meeting?

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